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PS4Pro Central games/Patch update hub

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All tested patches & titles in one place – Regularly updated

With the list of titles that are receiving Pro updates and patches growing on a daily basis, it can be difficult to keep track of what has or has not been touched. Even more poignantly is just what these patches offer up and how they use the new hardware.

So to keep you updated and allow it to become an easier reference point for games this page will become a single Hub that will summarize my analysis of titles and what they offer up. This will expand as I cover more and more Pro titles and as new titles are released.

It will link to the full videos below and this list will only grow week on week, month by month. So check out the titles below and watch the videos linked to see and learn more.


Gearbox have struggled to achieve a hit like its successful Borderlands titles and sadly for them Battleborn has not changed that, largely due to Overwatch killing it dead. But this has not stopped them really pushing out an impressive and broad patch across all console versions.


Multiple Modes: Yes – 1080/30 remains but on XboxOne and base PS4 this is now increased with a 1080/60 mode. Pro users also get a Native 3840x2160P @ 30Hz that runs as well as the 1080/60 mode

Resolution Increase: Yes – 3840x2160P on PS4Pro

Graphical Enhancements: No –

Frame Rate Improvements: Yes – All versions on consoles now support a 1080/60 mode with the Pro being a near Locked 60

The Division

Massive had high expectations to deliver on with this MMORPG and even though it was never going to achieve them it was still an impressive title on many levels. But joining in the Pro patch crowd have they improved things further? No this is a very, very minor patch indeed that could go unnoticed aside the patch notes or my video check below.

UPDATE:- Latest patch now offers up a 4K resolution, using a temporal reconstruction or Checkerboard method to achieve resolution improvement up to 4K.


Multiple Modes: No

Resolution Increase: Yes – 4K option now added using a CB type method.1080P on Pro but this may suggest that base PS4 does have resolution scaling in the title albeit far reduced than on the XboxOne

Graphical Enhancements: Yes – Shadow quality and reflections are one notch up but very minor

Frame Rate Improvements: No – Still capped at 30Hz

Mafia III

2K games 3rd release from Hanger 13 was a decent of not headlining open world tale of revenge. With patches to help improve the frame-pacing on both consoles has seen the PS4 pretty much fixed and the XboxOne improved if not fully resolved. But the Pro does not suffer from these slights with decent 30Hz rate and no frame delivery issues. In addition it also has minor visual enhancements in the motion blur and higher resolution which includes super-sampling


Multiple Modes: No

Resolution Increase: Yes – Approximately 2560x1440P

Graphical Enhancements: Yes – Higher quality Motion blur

Frame Rate Improvements: No – Both modes capped at 30Hz

Shadow of Mordor

It may be on of the earlier titles for this generation but it has been given a new lease of life and a fresh lick of paint with its Pro Patch.


Multiple Modes: Yes – Quality Mode | Resolution Mode

Resolution Increase: Yes – 1080P | Dynamic 4K upto Full 3840 x 2160P

Graphical Enhancements: Yes – Quality mode has increased Draw Distance and uses less LODS

Frame Rate Improvements: No – Both modes capped at 30Hz

Rise of the Tomb Raider

What was once a Microsoft exclusive now shines the light for Pro benefits with a feast of options and enhancements.


Multiple Modes: Yes – Performance Mode | Enhanced Visuals | Resolution Mode

Resolution Increase: Yes – 1080P | Dynamic Checkerboard 4K upto 2160P

Graphical Enhancements: Yes – Enhanced mode has increased Draw Distance, Tessellation, Highest Tress FX3.0, improved AO, foilage interaction

Frame Rate Improvements: Yes – Performance mode offers unlocked rates 45-60fps

Assassins Creed: Syndicate

Ubisoft felt left out with only a movie to tied us over till 2017, so they decided to release a Pro Patch for last years title…..but something went wrong.


Multiple Modes: No

Resolution Increase: Yes – Checkerboard up to 1440x1620P which is horrendous on a 4K display, most likely a failed attempt at 2880x1620P which would have been much better.

UPDATED: Latest patch 1.51 now supports as expected native 2880x1620P resolution, this makes the game much cleaner on 1080 AND 4K panels as downsampling is included. The only negative is the higher resolution has not been accounted for on the Depth of Field Filter meaning this is all but removed now in this new version.

Graphical Enhancements: No

Frame Rate Improvements: No – still capped at 30Hz

Final Fantasy XV

Square Enix magnificent series shines even brighter on the Pro with an impressive boost over the base PS4 mode.


Multiple Modes: Yes – Hi mode & Low mode

Resolution Increase: Yes – Checkerboard up to 3200x1800P which looks great on a 4K or even supersampled on a 1080P panel.

Graphical Enhancements: Yes – Increased draw distance, denser foliage, better texture filtering and shadows along with higher visual enhancements.

Frame Rate Improvements: No/Yes – still capped at 30Hz but later patch due in December is planned to offer uncapped to 60fps option

Battlefield 1

EA threw the “Dice” with this one but it paid off, a low key stealth update that I covered early on at the Pro launch it stands tall in the titles that have received boosts.


Multiple Modes: No

Resolution Increase: Yes – Not to sure on checkerboard but game renders 1440/1800P and can at points appear near native 4K. Could use Dice own methods within is TAA to create output but very clean on 4K panel and supersampled on 1080P.

Graphical Enhancements: Yes – Increased draw distance, denser foilage, better texture filtering, higher particle count and Motion blur improvements.

Frame Rate Improvements: Yes – Single player now rarely dips under 60fps with above improvements and MP can be 100% better at points over the base PS4. Large matches like Operations show the most improvement, a superb Pro Patch.